beijing education science and culture cooperation

北京教育科技文化合作交流 丨京教科文  BJESCO

  • Who We Are

The BJESCO (Beijing Education, Technology, Culture Cooperation Organization) is aplatform dedicated to promoting diverse collaboration in the fields of education, technologyarts, and culture. Guided by the principles of global and Chinese educational and culturalorganisations, we aim to become a key platform for diverse cooperation in, and culture on a global scale. This organisation is initiated by severalexperienced and diverse enterprises and academic institutions. lts co-founders anddecision-makers have nearly 20 vears of experience in the education sector, stronggovernment funding support, advanced management capabilities, technological strength, aswell as a rich cultural and artistic background.

  •  Our Mission

Our mission is to become a leader in promoting global education, technology, and culturaexchange and cooperation. Through comprehensive strateqies, professional execution, anda strong sense of social responsibility, we aim to make a positive contribution to the ongoingdevelopment of both society and individuals.

  • Our Strengths

Education and Academic Field: We not only possess rich experience in education andacademic collaboration but have also established strong partnerships with top educationaand research institutions worldwide.

Cultural Exchange and Diversity lnclusion: We have abundant resources and a profoundbackground in the cultural and artistic fields and actively participate in various culturalexchange and collaboration proiects both domestically and internationally.

Technological lnnovation and Industry Integration: We have made continuousinvestments and research and development in educational technology, not only advancingacademic research but also promoting rapid industry growth.

Capital Strength and Resource lntegration: With strong capital support and closegovernment relations, we offer solid and reliable support for education and cultural projectsboth domestically and internationally.

Talent Mobility and Social Responsibility: n response to the increasingly fierce talentcompetition in China, we provide comprehensive talent development and mobility solutionsto promote education and social equity. This is also a core concern shared with global andChinese educational and cultural organizations.Education and Academic Field: We not only possess rich experience in education andacademic collaboration but have also established strong partnerships with top educationaand research institutions worldwide.