beijing education science and culture cooperation

北京教育科技文化合作交流 丨京教科文  BJESCO

International Perspective Talents


The International Perspective Talents initiative is established by BJESCO with the primary aimof fostering a diverse and globally-oriented community of future leaders. This initiative isdesigned to support outstanding students who possess a strong commitment to internationalunderstanding, cultural exchange, and the development of a truly global perspective.Chinesestudents have made significant strides in pursuing an international perspective and activelyengaging in international competition. Here are some aspects in which Chinese studentspossess an international perspective and participate in global competition:

lnternational Education: An increasing number of Chinese students choose to study abroad togain international educational experiences. They study overseas, encountering differentcultures, languages, and academic systems, thereby fostering cross-cultural understanding andcommunication skills.

Language Proficiency: Chinese students often study one or more foreign languages, such asEnglish, Spanish, French, and others. This multilingual background helps them integrate betterinto international environments and communicate and collaborate with people from diversebackgrounds.

International Volunteering: More and more Chinese students engage in internationavolunteering activities, providing assistance to international communities and development
projects. This participation not only helps them accumulate international experience but alsonurtures their leadership skills and social responsibility.

International lnternships and Work Experience: Some Chinese students opt for internships orjobs abroad to gain work experience in multinational corporations or international organizationsThis not only enhances their global competitiveness but also opens up broader careeropportunities for them.

lnternational Exchange and Collaboration: Chinese universities actively promote internationalexchanges and cooperation, encouraging students to interact with foreign students andteachers, participate in international research proiects, and engage in academic collaborationThis offers Chinese students more opportunities to get involved in international academic andresearch activities.

International Competitions and Academic Contests: Many Chinese students actively participatein international competitions and academic contests in fields such as mathematics, science.culture, and the arts. This not only showcases their talents but also enables them to competewith peers from around the world.

Key Objectives

Promoting Global Awareness: The initiative aims to encourage students to expand their horizons and develop a deep understanding of the world beyond their home country. It seeks to cultivate a global mindset that appreciates cultural diversity and promotes the free exchange of ideas and knowledge across borders.

Supporting Educational Excellence: We aim to recognize and reward academic excellence by providing financial support to high-achieving students who have demonstrated exceptional potential in their chosen fields of study. By doing so, we hope to encourage scholarly achievement in a global context.

Fostering International Collaboration: The lnternational Perspective Talents Scholarshipencourages students to engage in collaborative projects, research, and community serviceinitiatives that transcend national boundaries. We believe in the power of shared efforts toaddress global challenges and create a more sustainable and inclusive world.

Scholarships available for International Perspective Talents :
    1. BJESCO Scholarship fund
    2. Corporate Sponsored Programs 

For scholarship requirements, application process and scholarship selection and awards please refer to the respective links.