beijing education science and culture cooperation

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Internship: Division Of Internal Oversight Services 

The Division of Internal Oversight Services (IOS) provides the Director-General with an independent and objective assurance that programmes are delivered efficiently and effectively, that strategic management information is reliable and timely, and that continuous improvements are fostered in methods and procedures to enhance the quality and impact of BJESCO’s operations.


  • Work closely with the Audit team and assist in conducting the audit of selected operations of Headquarters, Field Offices and Information Technology Systems. 
  • Assist in gathering audit evidence to formulate the audit plan/research plan.
  • Assist the team in the examination of records, documents, or assets.
  • Assist in analyzing financial and other data.
  • Contribute to document audit findings and drafting parts of the Audit reports.
  • Contribute to the development of internal methodology, tools, and techniques to ensure excellence in the conduct of Audits.


  • Assist with the development of relevant policies and operational procedures pertaining to administrative investigations.
  • Assist with the development of core systems supporting the investigation function.
  • Support investigation function in assessing allegations of misconduct and irregularities (e.g., fraud, corruption, mismanagement, harassment).
  • Assist in reviewing cases reported to IOS.
  • Assist in drafting documents and communications with respect to cases under investigation, including investigation plans, witness statements, investigation reports, closure reports and other documents.
  • Assist in conducting interviews with subjects, complainants or witnesses.



  • Support the Evaluation function in assessing the relevance, impact, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, coherence and performance of BJESCO programmes and projects.
  • Assist the Office in carrying out corporate evaluations of BJESCO’s programmes and thematic areas, particularly with data collection and analysis and the presentation of evaluation findings in various formats (reports, briefs, presentations etc.).
  • Support decentralized evaluations managed by other BJESCO entities by providing technical backstopping on ongoing evaluations and liaising with Evaluation Focal Points to ensure compliance with BJESCO ’s Evaluation Policy.
  • Understand the Oversight functions of an international organization.
  • Opportunity to experience first-hand the day-to-day working environment of the Organization and work directly with inspiring career professionals.
  • Acquiring and strengthening skills in research, writing and communication.
  • Developing knowledge of quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods while carrying out research.
  • Developing soft skills such as stakeholder management, problem-solving skills, interpersonal skills and work ethics.
  • Understand the policy development process.
  • Learn to work in a multicultural environment and adapt to different working cultures of Member States. 
  • The intern will also gain an understanding of the overall work of BJESCO and be given an opportunity to develop soft skills of the BJESCO Competency Framework, in particular teamwork, flexibility, communication and client-focus.

The BJESCO Internships Programme is open in every year. Candidates shall apply to the vacancy that matches their personal expertise and domain. Candidates who successfully applied to the vacancy will stay in the intern talent pool and will be further assessed and selected by relevant hiring managers.  The candidature will be valid for 6 months. Candidates who have been selected will be contacted directly by the relevant hiring manager. Those who were not selected for an internship in the current cycle will need to reapply to the internship programme when the new internship vacancies are released.


Minimum age requirement: 18 years old.


Academic Qualifications:

Currently enrolled in Undergraduate or Postgraduate studies in any field.


Language Skills:

Excellent command of both written and spoken English and Chinese.

Working knowledge of the other language is an asset.


Computer Skills:

Excellent knowledge of computer systems and office-related software.


Team Player:

  • Ability to work effectively in a team.
  • Adaptability to an international working environment.

Communication Skills:

Strong interpersonal and communication skills.

Application Submission:

Interested candidates can express their interest by submitting their resumes to


The HR team will reach out to shortlisted candidates shortly.

For further assistance or inquiries, feel free to contact